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07 May 2017
St Mary’s CofE Primary School, Love of Cooking | Harrison Catering
- Harrison
Harrison, a family owned catering business who prides itself on making exceptional fresh food on site from scratch was able to share its passion and speak about exciting opportunities that exist within the catering industry.
Jon Smith, one of Harrison’s Executive Chefs was on hand to provide a demonstration of creating a chocolate centre piece and led an interactive competition to guess unusual fruits and vegetables. It was an excellent opportunity for Jon to explain to the children about his journey into the profession from school and to tell them about the importance school plays in developing important and specific social skills to help them into their career.Claire Aylward, Joint Managing Director of Harrison enthused
‘We were approached by The Royal Academy of Culinary Arts who run the Chefs Adopt a school scheme. Having worked in partnership with them for a number of years we were pleased to be given the opportunity to share our enthusiasm with the children. I really hope that they enjoyed the day and will consider the catering industry when they are older.’