Gender Pay Gap Reporting

In accordance with the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 Harrison Catering Services has published its gender pay gap. We are committed to fairness, equality and inclusion in the workplace, whilst reducing our gender pay gap.

Harrison Catering Services employs over 1,900 people, serving over 100,000 meals per day across approximately 300 locations. Our purpose is dedicated to providing quality, fresh and seasonal food and our employees are at the heart of us achieving successful growth.

As at 5th April 2023, the company had a mean pay gap of 27.1% and a median pay gap of 25.6%.

Our pay quartiles by gender illustrate the gender distribution within Harrison Catering Services across 4 equally sized quartiles.

Upper Upper Middle Lower Middle Lower

The reasons for the predominance of women in the pay distribution, we believe is societal. We offer a large number of part time and term time roles, which our employees find fit in with their responsibilities outside the workplace.

We are confident we pay men and women doing the same roles equally, the median gender pay gap of 25.6% reflects the imbalance of males and females fulfilling particular roles. The imbalance of roles is typical for our industry.

The proportion of all employees awarded a bonus is illustrated below.

The 9% difference between the number of males and females receiving a bonus for their performance is again due to the imbalance between the number of males and females fulfilling particular roles.

The mean bonus gap is 75.6% and the median bonus gap is 88.0%.

Harrison Catering Services is committed to ensuring employees are recruited and promoted based on their skills and demonstrating that they live our values; we offer an opportunity for all to access career development programmes and continue to promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion within our teams.

Claire Aylward

Joint Managing Director

March 2024